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The first years of Albino Luciani: 1° part (1912-48)



The first years of Albino Luciani: 2° part (the bishop)



The first years of Albino Luciani: 3° part (the cardinal)



The first years of Albino Luciani: 4° part (the conclave)



The first years of Albino Luciani: 5° part (the election)



Pope's election (Iohannes Paulus I - Albino Luciani)



Elezione di Giovanni Paolo I



Coronacion Juan Pablo I



Albino Luciani - O sorriso de Deus



Giovanni Paolo I



Juan Pablo I en la Silla Gestatoria



Papa Luciani recita Trilussa - 1978



The last days of Johannes Paulus I



Lezioni di umanitā da Papa Luciani



Albino Luciani, Un Rigalu di Diu
